20 November 2015

Role Model

     I teach a class that has five kids who come weekly. Four of those five kids are boys. That leaves one sweet girl who is usually stuck playing blocks with me because the boys are playing too rough for her. She is at the age where she is looking at how other people are acting to see how she should act. This means that she is looking for a role model. Someone who can show her how to act in certain situations.

     I remember my cousin, Anetta, was my first role model. She was five years older and absolutely perfect to me. She was beautiful, popular, and fun to be around. I'm pretty sure I annoyed her to no end by following her around at every chance I got. I mimicked her every action. Her hair is in a braid today? Okay, mom, I want a braid. She's wearing a pink shirt? Cool, I can do that too. I never thought that I could be that kind of person to someone else.

     One Sunday night, during worship service, the little girl in my class came to sit by me. I noticed she would raise her hands, clap, and jump when I would. Then worship service ended, and we had prayer. She asked if she could stay with me during prayer and I said yes. I had just got on my knees and bowed my head when she tapped my shoulder, "Sister Rachel... How do you pray?" I started to tell her who and what we should pray for. She repeated everything I said and then looked at me for more.

"How about you listen to me pray? You might get ideas on what to pray about from listening to me."

     She placed her head in my lap and looked up at me as I started to pray. Every once in a while, she would repeat something I said, then she would listen again. This lasted for about 15 minutes, until she turned her attention to my church notebook and pen. She would tap me from time to time to tell me something else she thought to pray for. From her teachers to "the boy in class who just won't stop being crazy!", she prayed for it all.

     After service, I went to eat with my friend. I started telling her about how the little girl prayed with me that night. She listened and smiled at me, "You are her role model." Woah. I am someone's role model? Am I even a good enough person to be a role model? If she is mimicking my actions, are they good actions?

     I want to make sure that my actions can be mimicked without causing harm to the person mimicking them. Whether it be prayer, worship, or just an everyday thing... I want everything I do to show Christ's love. When that little girl grows up, I want her to be able to say that she learned to show Christ's love because of people like her Sunday school teacher. I am thankful for the godly role models in my life.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

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